学费:15000 欧元
瑞典的斯德哥尔摩大学(Stockholm University,简称SU)成立于1878年,位于素有北欧威尼斯之称的瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市,是瑞典规模最大的综合类大学之一,也是世界百大名校之一。斯德哥尔摩大学目前共设有83个英文授课的硕士项目,其中环境科学(Environmental Science)专业课程周期2年,120学分。要求申请学生需具备一定的英语能力(雅思6.5),持有学士学位证书,并至少修完90学分以上关于生物、物理、化学及数学方面的课程。
Environmental science is the study of our environment and the environmental problems which arise from human activities, as well as how we can identify, understand, and resolve those problems. Environmental issues are complex and environmental science is, by necessity, a multi-disciplinary endeavour which draws from both the natural and social sciences. As a student you will acquire a solid education in a natural science with environmental relevance, an understanding of the societal aspects of environmental problems, and learn about the tools you have in your disposal to resolve environmental problems in a scientific manner. The program starts with two mandatory courses. Experimental Studies in Environmental Science, 15 HEC, which deals with sampling and analysis techniques for environmental investigations, data quality, analysis, and compilation, as well as presentation techniques, and Environmental Science, 15HEC, which deals with the analysis of current environmental issues, scientific research and basic statistics applied to relevant environmental problems. At least 30 HEC at the advanced level are to be taken within your own specialisation (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, or Physics). 30 HEC are optional and can be used either to broaden your skills or to deepen your knowledge within your field of specialisation. An individual thesis project of at least 30 HEC is mandatory. The program’s courses are normally given in English unless all participants are Swedish speaking. Degree and career options: The Master’s Degree in Environmental Science is of interest for all kinds of environmental work: research, environmental consulting, private industry, environmental authorities, etc.